It is ethno-musical gallery and performing arts, sound and film section. Sindh is rich in music. Its music occupies a distinct and unique position amongst various cultures of this part of the world. Despite the absorption, innovation and the influence of the Arabic, Persian and Indian music, Sindhi music continues to retain its original form and Rhythm. It has withstood the test of time in its charm, sweetness and inspirational melody that is easily accepted, appreciated and admired everywhere in the world.
The great bulk of Sindhi music, it is to be noted, comprises of folk music. These folk tunes continue to enrich the traditions and customs of the people of rural areas but now that swift urbanization has started catching on with the people, the fear arisen that originality and purity of these forms might be affected.
Music constitutes to be an integral part of Sindh’s cultural heritage, but hitherto very little attention has been paid to it. In this connection the Institute of Sindhology has already started working upon this project.
The unit of the Institute of Sindhology has been visiting from village to village in every part of Sindh and has recorded the various items of Sindhi music, folklore, folk tales and tunes played on musical instruments etc. Thus the collection is being made available on tapes and cassettes. So far good work has been done in the province of Sindh and the material has been collected and preserved in the original form and shape of Sindhi music.